Jumping for Joy – A Work From Home Sanity Saver

August 27, 2020 in Career, Mom Life, Products, Uncategorized

Jumping for Joy – A Work From Home Sanity Saver

August 27, 2020 in Career, Mom Life, Products, Uncategorized
Toddler jumping on indoor Jungle Jumparoo

Living in Arizona is awesome — that is until COVID shut down everything around us, the summer temperatures rose to more than 110 degrees every day for the past two months, and schools were forced to continue with virtual learning well into the first quarter of the 2020-2021 school year.

Needless to say, finding something to save our sanity while working from home, overseeing virtual learning for a very active first grade, and entertaining a precocious 3-year-old has become a challenge for my husband and I. That is until we discovered the Jungle Jumparoo!

Disclosure: some of the links in the blog are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

The Jungle Jumparoo is the best alternative to a trampoline we could find.

What we love about it:

  • Kids & Adults can jump at the same time!
  • Use it indoors or outdoors – the footprint of the Jungle Jumparoo is 4-foot by 4-foot – it’s recommended you have a 6-foot by 6-foot space.
  • A healthy way for the kids to burn of energy between other activities — especially when the weather outside prevents us from going outdoors.
  • Connor, 3-years-old, loves the colors on the Jungle Jumparoo and makes a game of swinging between the different color poles and saying the names of the colors.
  • Colton, 6-years-old, loves trying to jump as high as possible and enjoys being able to jump in place while watching a show on TV without getting in the way of others.

Why the Jungle Jumparoo?

Pre-COVID we had a bounce house for almost three years and we loved it — but it was only an outdoor toy so in summer we always wished we had a space big enough for it to be used inside. Back in April, it got a huge tear in the slide – likely from having been stored outside all year. We were devastated and knew we’d need to replace it. So the search was on. At the same time, we were also having our backyard completely overhauled and landscaped this year (post on that coming eventually) and in the process, we determined we’d probably want to get a big traditional trampoline. We started looking and all the trampolines were sold out, plus when you looked at the assembly process it’d take 6-8 hours of multiple people’s time. Certainly not my cup of tea. Then fateful one day on Instagram I saw Susie Allison, from BusyToddler show her kids playing on their Jungle Jumparoo and I immediately bookmarked it.

Fast forward to the 3rd week of virtual learning in the 2020-2021 school year and I was looking at the calendar realizing there are at least 8 more weeks of virtual learning in addition to temperatures in Phoenix continuing to be insane… we knew we needed to make this purchase!

Purchasing and Setup

We bought the Jungle Jumparoo Essentials package, which includes the full-size Jungle Jumparoo, bumpers, swing, and intertube cover; I chose the cheapest shipping and hit submit on a Sunday. Our Jungle Jumparoo and accessories all arrived 4 days later on Wednesday!

We were incredibly impressed with the ease of setup, for two adults it took us about 20 minutes to put it together; and the only tool we needed to supply was an air compressor to fill up the inter-tube. The only additional item we added was rubber floor mat squares to protect our tile floors.

If you’re like us and trying to find that one thing to help you save your sanity while you work and give your kids something other than screen time, I highly recommend considering a Jungle Jumparoo!

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