
Welcome to Best Hire Ever!

Headshot of Katie

I’m Katie, a first-generation college graduate (3 times over!) who found career success through self-imposed personal/professional development, finding ways to become more efficient and productive, and relationship building. I live in Phoenix, Arizona with my husband and our sons who are ages 10 and 7. We are a Google-obsessed household and pride ourselves on making use of technology to improve our everyday lives.

Best Hire Ever is a modern lifestyle blog with ideas for improving career success while navigating all the things life throws at you. I love to share tips and tricks for bettering efficiency at work and at home, while also highlighting the people, places, and products that add value to our family life.

Prior to launching Best Hire Ever I was a writing contributor for North Phoenix Moms Blog and City Moms Blog Network to see the content I shared there click the links 🙂

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Hi! Welcome to Best Hire Ever, I love to share tips and tricks for bettering efficiency at work and at home, while also highlighting the people, places, and products that add value to my families life.

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